Château carignan


artistic direction - identity - social media - website



The website is in the image of this magnificent Bordeaux castle: elegant and chic, classic and contemporary.

The project

Chateau Carignan, Grand Vin de Bordeaux, is a property specialized in the production and marketing of Bordeaux wines in the CADILLAC CÔTES DE BORDEAUX appellation. Its history is rich and very old because it goes back to the 11th century.

Château Carignan wished to benefit from a good visibility on the Internet, to improve its attractiveness and to propose to its customers a more intuitive, design and performing website than the previous one. The objective was to generate more sales and improve its brand image.

Château Carignan and the web agency l'eau à la bouche also collaborated to offer a different experience to its customers in order to increase their loyalty.

Internet storefront

Château Carignan needed a showcase website to highlight its history and know-how and to gain visibility on the internet. The website had to erase the aging image of the Château. We therefore first undertook a work of redesign of its global identity.
The Château also offers wine tourism activities and events and wanted to encourage people to visit and discover the Château via its website.

The objective was to set up the site under WooCommerce, with the possibility of putting forward all the categories of products via one of the adapted menus, the creation of account at the time of orders and a system of research with filters allowing the research of vintages. Château Carignan also offers wine tourism activities and events to its customers.


In a second step, the objective was to develop an e-commerce platform.
They therefore called on the agency l'eau à la bouche to develop their e-commerce solution and to carry out the development and management of the project. The user experience on the site is essential, which is why a specific focus is made to optimize this part. The user must be able to easily find the wines he knows and discover the vintages he doesn't know yet, and thus make the purchase in a few clicks.



A logo in the image of this Château, all strength and finesse. A strong and easily identifiable monogram, a statutory and elegant typography, these are the ingredients of the identity of the Château Carignan which served as a basis for the creation of the communication tools of this beautiful Château. The first stones on which the web graphic charter and the website were built.