Cubana bar


artistic direction - website



The website of this restaurant and bar located in Drôme Provençale is in the image of its owners, warm, festive and creative.

The project

The Cubana Bar'Onnies is more than a restaurant or a bar, it is a place of life that welcomes its visitors and even offers unique and original guest rooms. The attraction for the tropics and the Mediterranean side were part of the elements to put forward for its owners for the creation of their website. The collaboration between Cubana Bar'Onnies and the digital agency l'eau à la bouche was set up to create a simple and impactful website, reflecting the personality of those who live and work there.

The Cubana Bar website offers its users an intuitive and fluid experience. The design of the site is also essential and is modern and attractive.

L'eau à la bouche created for this little corner of paradise in Drôme provençale a logo with exotic notes, a festive global identity and a website that makes you want to dance. Olé ! Online booking, sections dedicated to the restaurant, bar and accommodation, a tool not only very complete but also very aesthetic. Go there quickly!

Internet storefront and hotel

The developed site is a site that has several distinct parts:

The showcase part of the site will present the activity of the restaurant and bar, the concept and contact information.
The accommodation part highlights the rooms offered by the Cubana Bar'Onnies and the possibility to book them.
The objective of this site is to give desire and offer its users a unique experience by visiting the place. For visitors from Belgium, England, Holland and France, the site conveys an art of living, joy, beauty and energy.



Our creative team imagined a sunny graphic identity for the Cubana Bar'Onnies. Inspired by the exotic universe that reigns in the restaurant, the logo was declined on all the communication supports of the restaurant and bar which also proposes guest rooms.